Structures and Functions

Crayfish anatomy
 The crayfish is an invertebrate which means it has no backbone. It is classified in a group called crustaceans. These kinds of animals usually have two sets of antenna and have many legs. They have an exoskeleton and molt. They are different than insects because of the have limbs and double sets of antenna.

 The Red Swamp Crayfish's unique structures perform many functions. One structure the crayfish has are a set of pincers. Pincers are used for digging holes in mud, eating food, and protection. Under the body of a crayfish are tiny, clear swimmeretts. Swimmerets are hairs under the male and female crayfish. Males have modified swimmeretts and females have long swimmerets.  The females has long swimmerets to protect the egg pore.   Another structure the crayfish has are two sets of an antenna. The antenna are needle like things that "feel" around. The crayfish uses its antennas to sense danger and its surroundings. 
